There are a host of great networking technologies and capabilities on the market today to improve franchise operations. But if solutions are deployed without considering both the enterprise holistically as well as individual site requirements, they can cause significant operational challenges and become a source of frustration. When that happens mistrust can fester between both franchisors and franchisees.
The Enterprise team at Hughes explored these and other issues with some long-term franchise customers. Here are a few situations they cited as risky to operations and potential sources of tension:
A data breach could compromise customer and employee data, prompt penalties from the Payment Card Industry (PCI) and impact the franchise brand.
A hurricane could cause widespread network outages across an entire region, forcing franchise locations to shut down for multiple days and affecting revenues and profits.
Customers could experience inconsistent service across franchise sites due to a lack of product-related training.
Two-way communications could be poor between franchisors and franchisees, causing misunderstandings at all levels, especially about policies, processes and expectations.
HQ could deploy a suite of new mobile devices and enterprise applications and discover employees are slow to adopt them due to inconsistent bandwidth and spotty Wi-Fi.
These insights led to the development of the Hughes Franchise Solution, a comprehensive bundle of services ideal for all types of businesses, including fast casual restaurants, gas stations, fitness centers, financial services offices, eye care centers, insurance agencies, retail stores and more. The Hughes Franchise Solution offers a variety of technologies, security monitoring and network capabilities including the following:
Managed services to monitor and optimize network traffic, as well as to intercept hackers and intrusions.
4G backup service with automatic failover to provide continuous service in the event of fiber or cable outages.
PCI Compliance Suite to ensure franchisees have completed their self-assessments and met industry requirements.
Guest Wi-Fi services that won’t compromise IT security or the user experience.
Employee communications capabilities (also known as Breakroom TV) to display engaging content about everything from compliance training to sales promotions.
Digital Signage to support menu boards, sales promotions, and interactive kiosks, with small digital displays designed for end caps and counter tops.
With services and technologies like these, franchisors and franchisees alike can be confident they have what they need to improve operations, build mutual trust and protect their brand.
Thinking of starting a franchise? Read our ebook and expert advice here.