Fast and Cost-Effective Internet Access for More People
Bring internet access into communities outside the reach of cable and fiber quickly and without capital expenditure.
For people everywhere, internet access is as essential as electricity. But in many places – especially rural areas outside the reach of cable and fiber services – connectivity is difficult, if not impossible, to come by. Satellite presents a simple – and proven – solution for connecting homes, small businesses and communities to the internet quickly and with little to no capital expense.
If you’re a service provider looking to expand your customer base or a government ministry implementing digital divide solutions, consider satellite internet as part of your plan.
It’s fast. While cable and fiber deployments can take months or even years to build out, satellite internet can be activated within days or weeks.
It’s cost-effective. Fiber deployments can cost upwards of $50,000 per mile to build. On the other hand, a satellite, once in service, can connect anyone within the footprint of its beams without any further capex.
It’s shareable. In places where a monthly subscription service is unrealistic, shared access solutions, like Community Wi-Fi hotspots, make internet access available to entire neighborhoods and villages at a low per-use price – or even free with government subsidies.
Turnkey satellite internet solutions. Across North and South America, Hughes offers a turnkey, vertically integrated solution with high-throughput Ka-band satellite capacity, network management and Very Small Aperture Terminals (VSATs) for users. In other markets around the world, we have long-standing relationships with satellite operators so we can design and implement a broadband service for you, including capacity, network operations and user equipment.
Satellite internet equipment and services. Wherever satellite connects the unconnected, the Hughes JUPITER™ System is likely at work. The de facto global standard for satellite implementations, the JUPITER System operates on dozens of conventional and High-Throughput Satellites (HTS) worldwide. It supports more than half of all VSAT deployments globally, including millions of Hughesnet® subscribers in the Americas, YahClick subscribers across Africa and the Middle East and Wi-Fi hotspot customers worldwide.
Contact us for more information about satellite internet services for internet access.
Related Resources

Paul Gaske, EVP and GM, Hughes, discusses the benefits of satellite.
HughesXpress Wi-Fi solution brings critical connectivity throughout Latin America.

Government policies must encourage and facilitate progress toward closing the digital divide.

Satellite internet allows consumers and businesses to stay connected beyond the reach of cable or fiber.

Satellite offers the ideal connectivity solution to serve hard-to-serve or sparsely populated areas.