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Network Infrastructure Planning

At Hughes, we can provide the knowledge and expertise enterprises need to evaluate the best network transformation solution for their business.


The rate of change in technology is accelerating. Digital Transformation is on the agenda of CIOs and CTOs across the globe. Accessing the value that Digital Transformation initiatives promise requires expert network infrastructure planning across a range of technologies and the network is a strategically important part of the total landscape. It is not always possible for enterprises to maintain the right level of skill and resource in-house to ensure the best possible network solution for their needs.


Technical Consultancy


As a vendor independent Managed Network Service Provider with relationships with all major Telcos and ISPs throughout Europe, we can help our customers decide on the best connectivity and technology solution to meet their objectives. Our team of network infrastructure planning specialists understand how to match technology solutions to business objectives, so our customers get the best fit for their needs across all locations.

Technical Network Consultancy
Network Auditing & Planning

Network Audit


Many network infrastructures have grown organically over a number of years, if not decades. This presents a headache for enterprises who want to use Digital Transformation projects to standardise user experience – either customer or employee or both – across their organisation.

Using our network infrastructure audits we can help you to understand exactly what you currently have installed – both for equipment and connectivity – across your entire network to help identify where the pressure points might be, for enabling an effective Digital Transformation project.

Network Design & Planning


Our team of network infrastructure planning experts are highly skilled in crafting network solutions that are optimised for the individual needs of each of our customers.

From creating innovative solutions to solving capacity challenges to identifying the most appropriate technology to match our customers’ strategic objectives, our network infrastructure planning team create network designs that are realistic, effective and that deliver the results our customers require.

Network Infrastructure Design & Planning - Buildings
More about PRISM

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At Hughes we are respectful of your personal data. To find out how we store and use any data you share, please read our privacy statement here.

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